We are a diverse network of Norse and Norse-Americans living here in Tucson and Southern Arizona. Anyone with an interest in Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland) is welcome to join with us. Founded as a registered non-profit organization, our chapter has been connecting our community and promoting our rich national and cultural heritage for over 40 years.
If you are looking to connect with your heritage, practice your language skills, meet new friends, explore Nordic culture, and more — drop us a line or stop by our next event! We host family-friendly events throughout the year celebrating our rich cultural heritage and current events.
We encourage you to also explore an associated nationwide group, Vikings in America. We can provide discounted first-year registration for current Norse-Tucson members. We’ll be updating this page soon with the benefits of participating with both Norse-Tucson and Vikings in America.
Why our changes?
As of January 1, 2021, our club is officially an independent local organization and no longer a chapter of the former Norwegians Worldwide (NWW) in Oslo. This is due to NWW’s recent merger with the Norway-America Association (NORAM) and the resulting shift in mission and goals. In order to maintain our focus on culture, heritage, language, and participate fully in the local events which are so important to us, we are in the process of creating an informal association with Vikings in America.
On the local level, we are the same club you know and love! We see this as an opportunity to focus more efforts and funds on the community we have built right here in the Tucson metro area, and also broaden our local outreach. While we will no longer be chartered with a parent organization, our club will continue on as an independent association with an even closer focus on serving the needs and interests of our local members. You can expect the same dedication to Norwegian cultural heritage with year-round events celebrating Norwegian holidays, traditional food and drink, Scandinavian music and dance, and more.
As always, anyone is welcome to join and/or participate! Persons with Norse heritage, people from any of the nordic countries living here in Arizona, and anyone with an interest in Scandinavia. We can’t wait to see you soon!